I didn't have my frickin hands and feet nailed to a cross just so these bastards could come along and steal in my name. These bsastards [sic] who call themselves Christian in America are in no way a part of my organization
the memo said.
Religious Nutjobs. Funny stuff.
I didn't have my frickin hands and feet nailed to a cross just so these bastards could come along and steal in my name. These bsastards [sic] who call themselves Christian in America are in no way a part of my organization
Thousands of people working in
This scroll contains material on the chronology and events of creation. This information is not a fact regarding the origin of living things. This material should be approached with an open mind, studied carefully, and critically considered as the pure allegory for the human condition that it indeed is.Lando is busy at work on his new translation of the Swahili where he will prove conclusively that aliens built the pyramids.
Approved By
Yamashukalevi, grand Archmage of the tribe of israel written in the language of the swahili, the language which brings the listener closer to this god that we are making up.
Thursday, March 28, 4021 BCE.
If science by definition, cannot posit the existence of a supernatural force, then science cannot be used to prove the absence of a supernatural force. For instance, if I determine a priori that no matter what I observe, I shall never observe X, I cannot then turn around and argue, "Ah ha! In all of my research I have never observed X, so I have now proven that X does not exist."Creationdesign
those posting [to evolution sites] in support seem to be far left liberals, often times FRINGE in their liberal views. They also seem to be mainly composed of those who are militantly anti-religious/religion. Ulterior motives?
I whole-heartedly agree. Not just far left liberals but Pansy Assed Liberals who wouldn't get in front of a bullet to save mother teresa. Out there having sex with dogs and calling it "freedom to choose"! They wear the flag of cowardice and they hide behind atheism because if there is no god then no one could possibly say that what they do behind the closed doors of their houses is wrong. WRONG! But we know that they are smoking marijuana , Drinking french water and wine, blaspheming the name of the lord by hiding from their duty to god and country in the military, now when we need brave boys more than ever the liberal Pansy-asses trot out their flag of the nation of cowardsville and point to their athiest manefesto and say, there is no god! We don't have to go to war! ANd they use their atheism as a sheild claimin "respect" for arab lives. They go and cry sissy just because our mission, though accomplished for the most part, still has a few bumps to flatten out.